Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Breadwinner

Book by: Deborah Ellis
Review by: Emma T.

The Breadwinner is an exciting realistic book about a young girl living in Afghanistan in the reign of the Taliban. Imagine the struggles she went with her father in jail. This is a great book, and there are even two more besides The Breadwinner. I say you should read all three of them!

Under The Blood Red Sun

Book by: Graham Salisbury
Review by: Emma T.
This is the story of a Japanese American boy in the time of World War 2. The struggles his family faces are tough. His dads boat is sunk and he is taken to jail for not flying an American flag. It’s a tough life the boy named Tomi needs to start working and has to do a lot around the house. This is a great book, the fifth grade read for school and most people liked it.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Flying Solo

By Emma V.

In a middle school class, a girl stopped smiling, 6 months ago. 6 months ago, the same girl stopped talking. 6 months ago, Tommy Feathers died. And today, the substitute is absent. Mr. Fabiano’s aka ”Mr. Fab’s” class isn’t sure what to do. What would you do? Can Mr. Fabiano’s class keep flying through the day? Or will they?

Thursday, April 7, 2011



By Emma V.

Jonah has always wondered where his real parents are. They might be rich billionaires or a foreign family with no knowledge of English whatsoever. Whoever they were, Jonah was prepared to take the news in. But he was never prepared for this. All of a sudden, Jonah's best friend, Chip, finds out he was adopted too. The real deal is-years ago, a plane attendant, Angela Dupret, saw an airplane appear out of thin air, and disappear, again! Angela Dupret has a theory. A really insane, wacked out theory. But it just might be the right theory. Time-travel. There’s been a big something going on, and Jonah and Chip are right in the middle of it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

How To Steal A Dog

By Barbara O'Connors

By Emma V.

When Georgina Hayes’s dad leaves her and her brother and mom alone in their apartment, the only money left is a jar full of coins and wadded up bills. And that’s not enough to pay their rent. So when Georgina sees a LOST DOG sign; with a reward, she immediately gets a brilliant idea-steal a dog. Georgina has big plans for her get-rich-quick idea, and before she knows it this plan is full-fledged. But whether its almost getting busted by her little brother, or being ditched by her best friend, Georgina is determined to help her family out.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Golden Compass By Phillip Pullman

Review By Caitlin Landau

“It is the alethiometer. It tells the truth. As for how to read it, you’ll have to learn by yourself.” This is what the Master of Jordan College says that starts Lyra’s adventure. She had been told that her parents had died in an airship accident. Then she sees the Master try to poison her uncle Lord Asriel! Lord Asriel shows the Scholars of Jordan College some unordinary pictures that are connected to Dust. Why does the Master want to poison Lord Asriel? What is Dust? Find out the answers to these questions and more.

Warning: For Children In Grades 4 And Up.